Miscellaneous Mechanical ComponentsDOE-HDBK-1018/2-93COOLING TOWERSSummaryThe important information in this chapter is summarized below.Cooling Towers SummaryThe cooling tower removes heat from water used in cooling systems withinthe plant. The heat is released to the air rather than to a lake or stream.This allows facilities to locate in areas with less water available becausethe cooled water can be recycled. It also aids environmental efforts by notcontributing to thermal pollution. Induced draft cooling towers use fans to create a draft that pulls airthrough the cooling tower fill. Because the water to be cooled isdistributed such that it cascades over the baffles, the air blows through thewater, cooling it.Forced draft cooling towers blow air in at the bottom of the tower. Theair exits at the top of the tower. Water distribution and recirculationdifficulties limit their use.Natural convection cooling towers function on the basic principle that hotair rises. As the air inside the tower is heated, it rises through the tower.This process draws more air in, creating a natural air flow to providecooling of the water.Rev. 0ME-05Page 23
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