L2L5L4L3L1L6L7L71 30 60 90 120 150 179 18032028024020018012080401MinutesMinLead-Acid Storage BatteriesDOE-HDBK-1084-95SIZING AND SELECTIONRev. 0Page 27BatteriesSIZING AND SELECTIONSizing and selection of lead-acid batteries should be performed according to ANSI/IEEE Std485, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Large Lead Storage Batteries for GeneratingStations and Substations.As described earlier, the duty cycle is the most important criterionin battery sizing and selection. ANSI/IEEE Std 485 contains directions as well as a sampleexercise for determining the duty cycle. A simple duty cycle diagram is shown in Figure 15.Each of the loads (designated by L) requires a certain amperage for a specified time and1-6duration. In the example duty cycle, a randomly occurring load (L ) is assumed to occur in7the 120th minute. The placement of randomly occurring loads in the duty cycle is alsocovered in ANSI/IEEE Std 485.Figure 15. Diagram of a duty cycle.
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