Lead-Acid Storage BatteriesDOE-HDBK-1084-95APPLICATIONSRev. 0Page 23BatteriesAPPLICATIONSThere are numerous applications for the use of lead-acid storage batteries. They range fromthe extremely large battery systems used in load leveling by electrical utility companies to therelatively small batteries used in hand tools. Batteries may need to undergo deep andfrequent cycling such as those used for electric vehicle power or they may remain on "float"as in an emergency lighting application and only rarely be discharged. Clearly, theseapplications cannot all use the same battery. Restraints on parameters such as operatingtemperature, desired capacity, voltage and power requirements, etc., affect the type ofbattery chosen. All the above considerations are taken into account by determining the battery's duty cycle. The duty cycle is the required operating parameters of a cell or battery including factors suchas charge and discharge rates, depth of discharge, cycle length, and length of time in thestandby mode. The duty cycle must be known and included in the battery procurementspecification. The duty cycle and battery chosen will also determine the type of charger used. More details on matching chargers to batteries and applications are included in laterparagraphs. More information on duty cycles is included in the section entitled "Sizing andSelection."The major categories of lead-acid battery applications are starting, lighting, and ignition(SLI); industrial, including traction and stationary applications; and small portableequipment. A brief description of each type is included below along with example uses ofeach type.Starting,Lighting,andIgnitionSLI batteries are used by most people every day and are produced in greater numbers thanany other type of lead-acid storage battery. These are used to start automobiles and mostother kinds of internal combustion engines. They are not suitable for deep dischargeapplications, but excel for uses needing a high current for a brief time. They are usuallycharged in a "partial float" manner, meaning that the battery only receives a float chargewhile the vehicle is running. A cutaway view of a typical SLI battery is shown in Figure 12. SLI batteries are usually of the flat pasted plate design.IndustrialIndustrial batteries generally have the largest capacity of the three major categories of lead-acid batteries. Industrial batteries are used for vehicle traction and stationary applications. TractionTraction batteries are used to provide motive power for electric or hybrid vehicles. Themajor emphasis on traction battery design is the necessity of a high capacity to weight
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