Fundamentals of ChemistryDOE-HDBK-1015/1-93THE PERIODIC TABLERev. 0CH-01Page 17Most people are familiar with metals' physical properties. They are usually hard andstrong, capable of being shaped mechanically (malleable and ductile), and goodconductors of heat and electricity, and they have lustrous surfaces when clean. Moreimportant for chemical classification are the chemical properties of metals because thephysical properties are not common to all metals. For example, mercury (Hg) is ametal, although it is a liquid at room temperature, and sodium is a metal although itis not at all hard or strong. Metals can be involved in a wide range of chemicalreactions. Their reactions with water range from violent with sodium and potassiumto imperceptible with gold and platinum. Metals are divided into the following twocategories.1.The light metals, which are soft, have a low density, are very reactivechemically, and are unsatisfactory as structural materials.2.The transition metals, which are hard, have a high density, do not reactreadily, and are useful structural materials.The metals in Category 1 are located at the far left of the table (Groups IA and IIA).The metals in Category 2 are located in the middle of the table (the B groups).NonmetalsThe nonmetals occupy the part of the periodic table to the right of the heavy, step-likeline. (refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4)In general, the physical properties of the nonmetals are the opposite of thoseattributed to metals. Nonmetals are often gases at room temperature. The nonmetalsthat are solids are not lustrous, are not malleable or ductile, and are poor conductorsof heat and electricity. Some nonmetals are very reactive, but the nature of thereactions is different from that of metals. Nonmetals tend to gain electrons to formnegative ions rather than to lose electrons to form positive ions.The six elements in Group 0 represent a special subclass of nonmetals. They are allvery unreactive gases, so they are called the inert gases. For many years it wasbelieved that the inert gases would not and could not participate in chemical reactions.In 1962, the first true compounds of an inert gas, XeF and XePtF , were positively4 6identified.Since that time, several other compounds have been prepared. The preparation ofthese compounds requires special conditions; under ordinary conditions, the inertgases may be considered nonreactive.Semi-Metals
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