Radiation DetectorsRADIATION TYPESAt higher energy levels, pair production is predominate. When a high energy gamma passesclose enough to a heavy nucleus, the gamma disappears, and its energy reappears in the form ofan electron and a positron (same mass as an electron, but has a positive charge), as shown inFigure 4. This transformation of energy into mass must take place near a particle, such as anucleus, to conserve momentum. The kinetic energy of the recoiling nucleus is very small;therefore, all of the photon’s energy that is in excess of that needed to supply the mass of thepair appears as kinetic energy of the pair. For this reaction to take place, the original gammamust have at least 1.02 MeV energy.Figure 4 Pair ProductionThe electron loses energy by ionization. The positron interacts with other electrons and losesenergy by ionizing them. If the energy of the positron is low enough, it will combine with anelectron (mutual annihilation occurs), and the energy is released as a gamma. The probabilityof pair production increases significantly for higher energy gammas.Gamma radiation has a very high penetrating power. A small fraction of the original stream willpass through several feet of concrete or several meters of air. The specific ionization of a gammais low compared to that of an alpha particle, but is higher than that of a beta particle.Rev. 0 Page 7 IC-06
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