Process Controls TWO POSITION CONTROL SYSTEMSTWO POSITION CONTROL SYSTEMSA two position controller is the simplest type of controller.EO 1.4 DESCRIBE the characteristics of the following types ofautomatic control systems:a. Two position control systemControllersA controller is a device thatFigure 11 Process Control System Operationgenerates an output signal basedon the input signal it receives.The input signal is actually anerror signal, which is thedifference between the measuredvariable and the desired value, orsetpoint.This input error signal representsthe amount of deviation betweenwhere the process system isactually operating and where theprocess system is desired to beoperating. The controller providesan output signal to the finalcontrol element, which adjusts theprocess system to reduce thisdeviation. The characteristic ofthis output signal is dependent onthe type, or mode, of thecontroller. This chapter describesthe simplest type of controller,which is the two position, or ON-OFF, mode controller.Rev. 0 Page 17 IC-07
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