CALCULATOR OPERATIONS Review of Introductory MathematicsCALCULATOR OPERATIONSThis chapter gives the student a chance to reacquaint himself withbasic calculator operations.The teaching of the "mechanics of mathematics" (division, multiplication, logarithms, etc.) inrecent years has focused more on the skills of using a calculator than on the pure principles ofthe basic subject material. With the decreased cost of hand calculators, virtually every personowns, or has access to, a calculator. A nuclear plant operator would be wise to learn how to usemost of the calculators available today. Such knowledge will help the operator make quickdecisions when circumstances arise for the need of a "quick calculation" of flow rate or someother parameter.Many calculators are available on the market today, and each one is a little different. For thepurpose of this module, a scientific calculator will be needed. The Texas Instruments scientificcalculator TI-30 will be used for the examples in this module. Most calculators work on thesame principles, but some do not. Some calculators operate on a programming principle likeHewlett-Packard (HP). An HP calculator does not use an equal key. To perform a mathematicaloperation, the first number is inserted, the ENTER key is pressed, the second number is inserted,and then the mathematical function key is pressed. The result will be displayed. If a differentcalculator is used, the student will need to refer to the reference manual for his or her calculator.The following section will review the general use function keys on a TI-30 calculator. In eachfollowing chapter of this module, the applicable calculator operations will be addressed.Appendix A of this module gives a representation of a TI-30 keyboard to assist the student.KeysClear entry/Clear keyPressing this key once will clear the last operation and the display. Pressing thiskey twice will clear all operations except the memory.Note: To clear the memory, press clear then STO.Note: Many brands break this function into two separate keys, usually labeled"clear" and "all clear," where the "clear" key clears the last entry and the"all clear" key clears the display and all pending operations.MA-01 Page 4 Rev. 0
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