Review of Introductory Mathematics FOUR BASIC ARITHMETIC OPERATIONSWhen several numbers are added together, it is easier to arrange the numbers in columns withthe place positions lined up above each other. First, the units column is added. After the unitscolumn is added, the number of tens is carried over and added to the numbers in the tens column.Any hundreds number is then added to the hundreds column and so on.Example:Add 345, 25, 1458, and 6.Solution:345251458+61834When adding the units column, 5 + 5 + 8 + 6 = 24. A 4 is placed under the unitscolumn, and a 2 is added to the tens column.Then, 2 + 4 + 2 + 5 = 13. A 3 is placed under the tens column and a 1 is carried overto the hundreds column. The hundreds column is added as follows: 1 + 3 + 4 = 8.An 8 is placed under the hundreds column with nothing to carry over to the thousandscolumn, so the thousands column is 1. The 1 is placed under the thousands column, andthe sum is 1834. To verify the sum, the numbers should be added in reverse order. Inthe above example, the numbers should be added from the bottom to the top.SubtractingWholeNumbersWhen numbers are subtracted, the result is called the remainder or difference. The numbersubtracted is called the subtrahend; the number from which the subtrahend is subtracted is calledthe minuend. Subtraction is indicated by the minus sign (-).86 Minuend-34-Subtrahend52 Remainder or DifferenceUnlike addition, the subtraction process is neither associative nor commutative. The commutativelaw for addition permitted reversing the order of the addends without changing the sum. Insubtraction,thesubtrahendandminuendcannotbereversed.a - b =/ b - a(1-3)Rev. 0 Page 9 MA-01
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