FOUR BASIC ARITHMETIC OPERATIONSReview of Introductory MathematicsFOUR BASIC ARITHMETIC OPERATIONSThis chapter reviews the basic mathematical operations of addition,subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.EO 1.2 APPLY one of the arithmetic operations ofaddition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisionusing whole numbers.CalculatorUsage,SpecialKeysThis chapter requires the use of the +, -, x, , and = keys. When using a TI-30 calculator, the÷number and operation keys are entered as they are written. For example, the addition of 3 plus4 is entered as follows:3 key, + key, 4 key, = key, the answer, 7, is displayedParenthesesThe parentheses keys allow a complicated equation to be entered as written. Thissaves the time and effort of rewriting the equation so that multiplication/divisionis performed first and addition/subtraction is performed second, allowing theproblem to be worked from left to right in one pass.TheDecimalNumberingSystemThe decimal numbering system uses ten symbols called digits, each digit representing a number.These symbols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The symbols are known as the numbers zero,one, two, three, etc. By using combinations of 10 symbols, an infinite amount of numbers canbe created. For example, we can group 5 and 7 together for the number 57 or 2 and 3 togetherfor the number 23. The place values of the digits are multiples of ten and given place titles asfollows:MA-01 Page 6 Rev. 0
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