Properties of Metals
The important information in this chapter is summarized below.
Bulk Modulus
The Bulk Modulus of Elasticity is the elastic response to hydrostatic
pressure and equilateral tension, or the volumetric response to hydrostatic
pressure and equilateral tension. It is also the property of a material that
determines the elastic response to the application of stress.
Fracture point is the point where the material fractures due to plastic deformation.
Ductile material will deform (elongate) more than brittle material, shown in the
figures within the text. The stress-strain curves discussed in this chapter for
ductile and brittle demonstrated how each material would react to stress and strain.
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the specific points for ductile and brittle material,
respectively. Hooke's Law applies between Points 1 and 2. Elastic region is
between Points 1 and 2. Plastic region is between Points 2 and 5.
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