ValvesDOE-HDBK-1018/2-93VALVE FUNCTIONS AND BASIC PARTSFigure 3 Nonrising StemsThere is no upward stem movement from outside the valve for a nonrising stem design.For the nonrising stem design, the valve disk is threaded internally and mates with thestem threads.ValveActuatorThe actuatoroperates the stem and disk assembly. An actuator may be a manually operatedhandwheel, manual lever, motor operator, solenoid operator, pneumatic operator, or hydraulicram. In some designs, the actuator is supported by the bonnet. In other designs, a yokemounted to the bonnet supports the actuator.Except for certain hydraulically controlled valves, actuators are outside of the pressure boundary.Yokes, when used, are always outside of the pressure boundary.ValvePackingMost valves use some form of packing to prevent leakage from the space between the stem andthe bonnet. Packing is commonly a fibrous material (such as flax) or another compound (suchas teflon) that forms a seal between the internal parts of a valve and the outside where the stemextends through the body.Valve packing must be properly compressed to prevent fluid loss and damage to the valve'sstem. If a valve's packing is too loose, the valve will leak, which is a safety hazard. If thepacking is too tight, it will impair the movement and possibly damage the stem.Rev. 0ME-04Page 5
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