Atomic and Nuclear PhysicsDOE-HDBK-1019/1-93CHART OF THE NUCLIDESRev. 0Page 15NP-01NaturalAbundanceofIsotopesThe relative abundance of an isotope in nature compared to other isotopes of the same elementis relatively constant. The Chart of the Nuclides presents the relative abundance of the naturallyoccurring isotopes of an element in units of atom percent. Atom percent is the percentage ofthe atoms of an element that are of a particular isotope. Atom percent is abbreviated as a/o.For example, if a cup of water contains 8.23 x 10 atoms of oxygen, and the isotopic abundance24of oxygen-18 is 0.20%, then there are 1.65 x 10 atoms of oxygen-18 in the cup.22The atomic weight for an element is defined as the average atomic weight of the isotopes of theelement. The atomic weight for an element can be calculated by summing the products of theisotopic abundance of the isotope with the atomic mass of the isotope.Example:Calculate the atomic weight for the element lithium. Lithium-6 has an atom percentabundance of 7.5% and an atomic mass of 6.015122 amu. Lithium-7 has an atomicabundance of 92.5% and an atomic mass of 7.016003 amu.Solution:The other common measurement of isotopic abundance is weight percent (w/o). Weight percentis the percent weight of an element that is a particular isotope. For example, if a sample ofmaterial contained 100 kg of uranium that was 28 w/o uranium-235, then 28 kg of uranium-235was present in the sample.EnrichedandDepletedUraniumNatural uranium mined from the earth contains the isotopes uranium-238, uranium-235 anduranium-234. The majority (99.2745%) of all the atoms in natural uranium are uranium-238.Most of the remaining atoms (0.72%) are uranium-235, and a slight trace (0.0055%) areuranium-234. Although all isotopes of uranium have similar chemical properties, each of theisotopes has significantly different nuclear properties. For reasons that will be discussed in latermodules, the isotope uranium-235 is usually the desired material for use in reactors.A vast amount of equipment and energy are expended in processes that separate the isotopes ofuranium (and other elements). The details of these processes are beyond the scope of thismodule. These processes are called enrichment processes because they selectively increase theproportion of a particular isotope. The enrichment process typically starts with feed materialthat has the proportion of isotopes that occur naturally. The process results in two types of
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