Atomic and Nuclear PhysicsDOE-HDBK-1019/1-93RADIOACTIVITYRev. 0Page 41NP-01Figure 15 Transient Equilibrium in the Decay of Barium-140 The decay constant for barium-140 is considerably smaller than the decay constant forlanthanum-140. Remember that the rate of decay of both the parent and daughter can berepresented as N. Although the decay constant for barium-140 is smaller, the actual rate ofdecay ( N) is initially larger than that of lanthanum-140 because of the great difference in theirinitial concentrations. As the concentration of the daughter increases, the rate of decay of thedaughter will approach and eventually match the decay rate of the parent. When this occurs,they are said to be in transient equilibrium. A plot of the barium-lanthanum-cerium decay chainreaching transient equilibrium is shown in Figure 15.Secular equilibriumoccurs when the parent has an extremely long half-life. In the long decaychain for a naturally radioactive element, such as thorium-232, where all of the elements in thechain are in secular equilibrium, each of the descendants has built up to an equilibrium amountand all decay at the rate set by the original parent. The only exception is the final stable elementon the end of the chain. Its number of atoms is constantly increasing.SummaryThe important information in this chapter is summarized on the following page.
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