Reactor Theory (Neutron Characteristics)DOE-HDBK-1019/1-93OBJECTIVESTERMINAL OBJECTIVE2.0Given the necessary information for calculations, EXPLAIN basic concepts in reactorphysics and perform calculations.ENABLING OBJECTIVES2.1DEFINE the following terms:a.Atom densityd.Barnb.Neutron fluxe.Macroscopic cross sectionc.Microscopic cross sectionf.Mean free path2.2EXPRESS macroscopic cross section in terms of microscopic cross section.2.3DESCRIBEhow the absorption cross section of typical nuclides varies with neutronenergy at energies below the resonance absorption region.2.4DESCRIBEthe cause of resonance absorption in terms of nuclear energy levels.2.5DESCRIBE the energy dependence of resonance absorption peaks for typical light andheavy nuclei.2.6EXPRESS mean free path in terms of macroscopic cross section.2.7Given the number densities (or total density and component fractions) and microscopiccross sections of components, CALCULATEthe macroscopic cross section for a mixture.2.8CALCULATE a macroscopic cross section given a material density, atomic mass, andmicroscopic cross section.2.9EXPLAIN neutron shadowing or self-shielding.2.10Given the neutron flux and macroscopic cross section, CALCULATE the reaction rate.2.11DESCRIBE the relationship between neutron flux and reactor power.Rev. 0Page viiNP-02
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