BATTERY OPERATIONSBatteriesBATTERY OPERATIONSOnce the basic theory behind the operation of batteries is understood, we canapply these concepts to better understand the way batteries are utilized.EO 1.6 DESCRIBE the relationship between total batteryvoltage and cell voltage for a series-connectedbattery.EO 1.7 STATE the advantage of connecting a battery inparallel with respect to current-carryingcapability.EO 1.8 STATE the difference between primary andsecondary cells with respect to rechargecapability.SeriesCellsFigure 7 Cells Connected in SeriesWhen several cells are connectedin series (Figure 7), the totalvoltage output of the battery isequal to the sum of the individualcell voltages. In the example ofthe battery in Figure 7, the four1.5V cells provide a total of6 volts. When we connect cells inseries, the positive terminal of onecell is connected to the negativeterminal of the next cell. Thecurrent flow through a batteryconnected in series is the same asfor one cell.ES-04 Page 10 Rev. 0
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