BatteriesBATTERY THEORYSummaryBattery theory is summarized below.Battery Theory SummaryThe purpose of a battery is to store chemical energy and to convert thischemical energy into electrical energy when the need arises.A voltaic cell develops a potential difference when electrodes of two differentmetals are immersed in an electrolyte. One electrode accumulates a positivecharge. The potential difference is due to the difference in charge betweenthe two electrodes.The chemical equation for a lead-acid battery during discharge is:.PbO2Pb2H2SO4discharge2PbSO42H2OThe chemical equation for a lead-acid battery during charge is:.PbO2Pb2H2SO4charge2PbSO42H2OWhen a lead-acid battery is discharged, electrolyte and the active material onthe plates of the battery are consumed to produce water and lead sulphate.When a lead-acid battery is charged, electrical energy is added to the battery,causing the water and lead sulphate to be consumed and produce electrolyteand active material.Since specific gravity of a lead-acid battery decreases proportionally duringdischarge, the value of specific gravity at any given time is an approximateindication of the battery’s state of charge.Rev. 0 Page 9 ES-04
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