WIRING SCHEMES AND GROUNDING Electrical Distribution SystemsFigure 16 3-Wire Edison SchemeThe physical connections to the transformer secondary involve two insulated conductors and onebare conductor. If the conductor is a current-carrying leg or neutral leg, the conductor will beinsulated. The remaining uninsulated conductor will serve as a safety ground and will be bondedto the ground point of the system. In all cases, 3 wires will be presented to the load terminals,and the safety ground will be bonded to each junction box, or device, in the distribution system.In the case of half voltage (120 V) use, the intended path of the current is from the supply legthrough the load and back to the source on the neutral leg. No current would be carried on theground unless a fault occurred in the system, in which case the current would flow safely toground.In the full voltage system (240 V), the insulated conductors are connected across the full windingof the transformer, and the uninsulated conductor is again bonded to the grounded center tap.In a balanced system, all currents will flow on the insulated conductors, and the grounded neutralwill carry no current, acting only in a ground capacity. In the case of either an unbalanced loador a fault in the system, the bare conductor will carry current, but the potential will remain atzero volts because it is tied to the ground point. As in the case of the half voltage system, theuninsulated conductor will be bonded to each device in the system for safety.Three-PhaseWiringSchemesUnlike the single-phase wiring scheme that must make a provision for a neutral leg and separateground, the three-phase system needs neither a separate neutral nor a ground to operate safely.However, to prevent any unsafe condition, all 3- and 4-wire, three-phase systems can include aneffective ground path. As with the previous single-phase discussion, only the secondary side ofthe transformer and its connected load need to be studied.3-Wire,Three-PhaseDeltaSystemThe simplest three-phase system is the 3-wire Delta configuration, normally used for transmissionof power in the intermediate voltage class from approximately 15,000 volts to 600 volts. Thediagram in Figure 17 depicts the two methods of connecting the Delta secondary.ES-15 Page 24 Rev. 0
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