CENTRIFUGAL PUMPSFluid FlowWhen the system characteristic curve is considered with the curve for pumps in parallel, theoperating point at the intersection of the two curves represents a higher volumetric flow rate thanfor a single pump and a greater system head loss. As shown in Figure 12, a greater system headloss occurs with the increased fluid velocity resulting from the increased volumetric flow rate.Because of the greater system head, the volumetric flow rate is actually less than twice the flowrate achieved by using a single pump.Figure 12 Operating Point for Two Parallel Centrifugal PumpsFigure 13 Pump Characteristic Curve for Two Identical CentrifugalPumps Used in SeriesCentrifugalPumpsinSeriesCentrifugal pumps are used inseries to overcome a larger systemhead loss than one pump cancompensate for individually. Asillustrated in Figure 13, twoidentical centrifugal pumpsoperating at the same speed withthe same volumetric flow ratecontribute the same pump head.Since the inlet to the second pumpis the outlet of the first pump, thehead produced by both pumps isthe sum of the individual heads.The volumetric flow rate from theinlet of the first pump to the outletof the second remains the same.HT-03 Page 54 Rev. 0
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