IONIZATION CHAMBERRadiation DetectorsWhen the voltage is increased, the free electrons are more strongly attracted to the positive plate.They will move toward the positive plate more quickly and will have less opportunity torecombine with the positive ions. Figure 15 shows a plot of the number of electrons measuredby the ammeter as a function of applied voltage.Figure 15 Recombination and Ionization RegionsAt zero voltage, no attraction of electrons between the plates occurs. The electrons willeventually recombine, so there is no current flow. As the applied voltage is increased, thepositive plate will begin to attract free electrons more strongly, and a higher percentage will reachthe positive plate. As the voltage is increased further, a point will be reached in which all of theelectrons produced in the chamber will reach the positive plate. Any further increase in voltagehas no effect on the number of electrons collected.The simple ionization chamber shown in Figure 14 can also be utilized for the detection ofgamma rays. Since the ammeter is sensitive only to electrons, gamma rays must interact withthe atoms in air between the plates to release electrons. The gamma rays interact by comptonscattering, photoelectric effect, or pair production. Each of these interactions causes some, or all,of the energy of the incident gamma rays to be converted into the kinetic energy of the ejectedelectrons. The ejected electrons move at very high speeds and cause other electrons to be ejectedfrom their atoms. All of these electrons can be collected by the positively charged plate andmeasured by the ammeter.IC-06 Page 30 Rev. 0
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