CorrosionDOE-HDBK-1015/1-93SPECIALIZED CORROSIONRev. 0CH-02Page 27SPECIALIZED CORROSIONThe environment in which a metal exists has direct bearing on the corrosionrate of that metal. Because of the unique environment possible in the nuclearindustry, there are a few specialized types of corrosion that must be considered.EO 1.20DEFINE the following terms:a.Pitting corrosionb.Crevice corrosionc.Stress corrosion crackingEO 1.21STATE the two conditions necessary for pitting corrosion tooccur.EO 1.22STATE the particular hazard associated with pittingcorrosion.EO 1.23STATE the four controls used to minimize pitting corrosion.EO 1.24IDENTIFY the three conditions necessary for stress corrosioncracking to occur.EO 1.25DEFINE the term chemisorption.EO 1.26STATE the hazard of stress corrosion cracking.EO 1.27STATE the three controls used to prevent stress corrosioncracking.EO 1.28DESCRIBE the two types of stress corrosion cracking thatare of major concern to nuclear facilities including:a.Conditions for occurrenceb.Method(s) used to minimize the probability of occurrencePittingandCreviceCorrosionAnother possible effect of dissolved oxygen is accelerated localized attack. This is especiallylikely in areas of limited circulation. The resulting corrosion is called pitting corrosion.
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