Atomic and Nuclear PhysicsDOE-HDBK-1019/1-93ENERGY RELEASE FROM FISSIONFigure 21 Uranium-235 Fission Yield vs. Mass Number Referring now to the binding energy per nucleon curve (Figure 20), we can estimate the amountof energy released by our "typical" fission by plotting this reaction on the curve and calculatingthe change in binding energy (DBE) between the reactants on the left-hand side of the fissionequation and the products on the right-hand side. Plotting the reactant and product nuclides onthe curve shows that the total binding energy of the system after fission is greater than the totalbinding energy of the system before fission. When there is an increase in the total bindingenergy of a system, the system has become more stable by releasing an amount of energy equalto the increase in total binding energy of the system. Therefore, in the fission process, the energyliberated is equal to the increase in the total binding energy of the system.Rev. 0Page 57NP-01
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