EDecaymRb 93mNb 933 melectron931.5MeVamu139.90910 amu139.90543 amu3 0.0005486 amu931.5 MeVamu0.000202 amu931.5 MeVamu1.89 MeVAtomic and Nuclear PhysicsDOE-HDBK-1019/1-93ENERGY RELEASE FROM FISSIONRev. 0Page 61NP-01The energy released in the decay chain of cesium-140 is calculated below.The total decay energy is the sum of the energies of the two chains, or 9.73 MeV.DistributionofFissionEnergyThe average energy distribution for the energy released per fission with a thermal neutron inuranium-235 is shown in Tables 6 and 7.TABLE 6Instantaneous Energy from FissionKinetic Energy of Fission Products167 MevEnergy of Fission Neutrons5 MeVInstantaneous Gamma-ray Energy5 MeVCapture Gamma-ray Energy10 MeVTotal Instantaneous Energy187 MeVTABLE 7Delayed Energy from FissionBeta Particles From Fission Products7 MevGamma-rays from Fission Products6 MeVNeutrinos10 MeVTotal Delayed Energy23 MeV
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