9337Rb9338Sr9339Y9340Zr9341Nb14055Cs14056Ba14057La14058CeEDecaymRb 93mNb 934 melectron931.5MeVamu92.91699 amu92.90638 amu4 0.0005486 amu931.5 MeVamu0.008416 amu931.5 MeVamu7.84 MeVENERGY RELEASE FROM FISSIONDOE-HDBK-1019/1-93Atomic and Nuclear PhysicsNP-01Page 60Rev. 0The total energy released per fission will vary from the fission to the next depending on whatfission products are formed, but the average total energy released per fission of uranium-235with a thermal neutron is 200 MeV.As illustrated in the preceding example, the majority of the energy liberated in the fissionprocess is released immediately after the fission occurs and appears as the kinetic energy of thefission fragments, kinetic energy of the fission neutrons, and instantaneous gamma rays. Theremaining energy is released over a period of time after the fission occurs and appears as kineticenergy of the beta, neutrino, and decay gamma rays.EstimationofDecayEnergyIn addition to this instantaneous energy release during the actual fission reaction, there isadditional energy released when the fission fragments decay by emission. This additional-energy is called decay energy, E. The decay chains for rubidium-93 and cesium-140 areDecayshown below.The energy released during the decay for each chain will be equivalent to the mass differencebetween the original fission product and the sum of the final stable nuclide and the beta particlesemitted. The energy released in the decay chain of rubidium-93 is calculated below.
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