REFERENCESEnergy, Work, and PowerCP-05Page ivRev. 0REFERENCES+Beiser, Arthur, AppliedPhysicsSchaumsOutlineSeries, McGraw-Hill BookCompany, 1976.+Murray, Raymond and Cobb, Grover, PhysicsConceptsandConsequences,Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970.+Alexander, Joseph, et al., PhysicsforEngineeringTechnology, John Wiley andSons, 1978.+Sears, Francis and Zemansky, Mark, UniversityPhysics, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.+Science and Fundamental Engineering (SAFE), Classical Physics, "Measure"Combustion Engineering, Inc., 1988.+AcademicProgramforNuclearPowerPlantPersonnel, Volume II, GeneralPhysics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 397747, April 1982.
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