Lead-Acid Storage BatteriesDOE-HDBK-1084-95OPERATON AND CONSTRUCTIONRev. 0Page 13BatteriesOPERATION AND CONSTRUCTIONThe following paragraphs describe the general operation and construction of lead-acidbatteries.Lead-AcidBatteryActiveMaterialsThe active materials in a battery are those that participate in the electrochemicalcharge/discharge reaction. These materials include the electrolyte and the positive andnegative electrodes. As mentioned earlier, the electrolyte in a lead-acid battery is a dilutesolution of sulfuric acid (H SO ). The negative electrode of a fully charged battery is2 4composed of sponge lead (Pb) and the positive electrode is composed of lead dioxide (PbO ).2ElectrochemistryoftheLead-AcidCellAll lead-acid batteries operate on the same fundamental reactions. As the battery discharges,the active materials in the electrodes (lead dioxide in the positive electrode and sponge lead inthe negative electrode) react with sulfuric acid in the electrolyte to form lead sulfate andwater. On recharge, the lead sulfate on both electrodes converts back to lead dioxide(positive) and sponge lead (negative), and the sulfate ions (SO ) are driven back into the42-electrolyte solution to form sulfuric acid. The reactions involved in the cell follow.At the positive electrodePbO + 3H + HSO + 2e PbSO + 2H O (1.685 V).(2)2 4 4 2+-- Discharge$%ChargeAt the negative electrodePb + HSO PbSO + H + 2e (0.356 V).(3)4 4- Discharge+ -$%ChargeFor the overall cellPbO + Pb + 2H SO 2PbSO + 2H O (2.041 V).(4)2 2 44 2Discharge$%ChargeTherefore the maximum open-circuit voltage that can be developed by a single lead-acid cell is2.041 V.
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