CorrosionDOE-HDBK-1015/1-93CORROSION THEORYRev. 0CH-02Page 3Figure 1 Formation of Ferrous (Fe ) Ions in++the Corrosion of IronElectrochemicalCellsCorrosion is electrochemical in nature because the corrosive chemical reactions involve transferof charge. Figure 1 shows the transfer of charge when iron is in contact with water or an acidicwater solution.Iron goes into solution as Fe ions. As++these ions go into solution, the metalbecomes negatively charged (by theelectrons left behind) with respect to theelectrolyte. A potential difference (voltage)is produced between the electrolyte and themetal. The process in which electrons aregiven up and positive metal ions are formedis called oxidation. The sites at which theoxidation takes place on the surface of themetal become electrochemical cells made upof micro-electrodes of the two differentsubstances; the metal and the electrolyte. These micro-electrodes set up manymicro-cells connected through the bulk ofthe metal. If a different metal is used, it willgo into solution to a greater (or lesser)extent producing a larger (or smaller) potential difference between the metal and electrolyte thanwas the case for iron. For example, magnesium and zinc go into solution to a greater extent thaniron, and these metals will be more negative with respect to the electrolyte than iron. Nickel,lead, and copper go into solution less readily and produce a smaller potential difference. Table 1lists the potential differences for various metals in water. The order of the series can change fordifferent electrolytes (for example, different pH, ions in solution).Electrochemical cells and oxidation potentials are very important in understanding mostcorrosion processes. Examples of electrochemical cells include galvanic cells (cells made up ofelectrodes of two different substances) and concentration cells (cells containing electrodes of thesame substance under different conditions of concentration).
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