CORROSION THEORYDOE-HDBK-1015/1-93CorrosionCH-02Rev. 0Page 6Small concentration variations within a solution in contact with the metal may also affect the rateand nature of corrosion reactions. Therefore, it is often impossible to predict the exact nature ofcorrosion reactions. It is generally found, however, that for most metals exposed to an aqueousenvironment the half-reactions involved in corrosion are the reduction reaction of Equation (2-4)and an oxidation half-reaction of the type shown in Equations (2-1) through (2-3).General corrosionis the process whereby the surface of a metal undergoes a slow, relativelyuniform; removal of material. This occurs on the surface of a single metal rather than dissimilarmetals. In general corrosion, a nearly infinite number of micro-cells are established on the metalsurface. Oxidation occurs at anodic areas and reduction at cathodic areas. The micro-cells areuniformly distributed over the metallic surface, and as the reaction proceeds the cells may migrate,or disappear and re-form. That is, any particular micro-region may be alternately anodic andcathodic. The result is a uniform attack on the metal surface.Under some conditions, relatively large regions become anodic or cathodic. Such regions haveless tendency to migrate and may remain operative for long periods of time. In this case, therewill be severe attack of the metal at the anodic (oxidation) region. The result may be a visible pitin the metal surface.Iron and steel are resistant to rapid corrosion in water despite the tendency of iron to oxidize asindicated by its standard electrode potential listed in Table 1. The reasons for this resistance arethe passivating effect of the oxide film and cathodic polarization due to atomic hydrogen thatabsorbs on the oxide surface, both of which are explained in the next section.PassivityandPolarizationofMetalMetals that normally fall victim to corrosion will sometimes exhibit a passivity to corrosion.Passivityis the characteristic of a metal exhibited when that metal does not become active in thecorrosion reaction. Passivity is caused by the buildup of a stable, tenacious layer of metal oxideon the surface of the metal. This oxide layer is formed by corrosion on a clean metal surface,where the corrosion products are insoluble in the particular environment to which the metal isexposed. Once the layer, or film, is formed, it acts as a barrier separating the metal surface fromthe environment. For further corrosion to occur, the reactants must diffuse through the oxidefilm. Such diffusion is very slow or nonexistent, thus corrosion either decreases markedly orstops.Metals such as zirconium, chromium, aluminum, and the stainless steels form thin, tenacious oxidefilms when exposed to the atmosphere or to pure water at room temperature. In some cases, thefilm is extremely thin and may be invisible to the unaided eye, but it is still very effective in givingthese metals a marked passivity.If there is a net conversion of reactants to products in a system, the system will be chemicallyunstable, and the reaction will continue until a stable state is attained. This stable state is knownas equilibrium.
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