Hazards of Chemicals and GasesDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93CORROSIVES (ACIDS AND ALKALIES)Rev. 0CH-05Page 7Corrosives Summary (Cont.)The hazards of alkalies:Alkalies are more destructive than the acids.Alkali dusts, mists, and sprays can cause irritation of nasal passages,eyes, and respiratory tract.When in contact with the tissue, strong alkalies will cause ulcers, severeburns, and eventual scarring.Ingestion causes perforations of the mucous membrane and deepertissues; death may result if penetration is in vital areas.Precautions when using corrosives:An adequate supply of washdown water must be available.Proper ventilation in corrosive work area must be provided.Proper drainage must be provided such that exposure is limited.Face shields and safety glasses that protect the eyes from splashes andextensive vapor should be worn.Proper personnel safety equipment should be worn when appropriate(chemical gloves, respirators, coveralls, etc.)Precautions when storing corrosives:The building, or area within the building selected, should be of fire-resistant construction.The floors should be composed of chemical-resistant brick or treatedconcrete, be washable, and be provided with adequate drainage.A well-lit and ventilated area in which there are adequate outlets forwater should be provided.A relatively cool and dry environment should be maintained, preventingextremes of temperature and humidity.Electrical fixtures should be protected against corrosive mists, and wiringshould be enclosed and covered with corrosive-resistant material.
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