TOXIC COMPOUNDSDOE-HDBK-1015/2-93Hazards of Chemicals and GasesCH-05Rev. 0Page 8TOXIC COMPOUNDSThe various chemicals found in industry as well as the home are useful whenproperly applied. If the user is uninformed about correct applications,storage, and potential hazards, these chemicals become threats to safety.This chapter gives an overview of handling chemicals and resources ofinformation about these chemicals.EO 1.3LIST the general safety precautions regarding toxiccompounds.EO 1.4LIST the criteria used to determine if a compoundis a health hazard.EO 1.5STATE the methods by which toxic compounds mayenter the body.EO 1.6SUMMARIZE the purpose and general contents ofthe following:a.Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)b.Toxic Substance ListToxicCompoundsBecause the types of toxic compounds found in industry number in the thousands, and becausespecific hazards, controls, and corrective measures may vary with the substance, no attempt willbe made in this section to address specific compounds. Instead, information of a general naturewill be presented on toxic materials. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required for allpotentially hazardous and toxic materials and should be consulted for specific descriptions andprecautions concerning the substance in question.There are some general precautions that should be universally employed regarding toxiccompounds. Many of these precautions are consistent with those already mentioned concerningcorrosives. Proper ventilation, appropriate hygienic practices, housekeeping, protectiveclothing, and training for safe handling and storage will diminish many of the hazards that exist.The toxicity of a material is not synonymous with its health hazard. Toxicityis the capacity ofa material to produce injury or harm to a living organism.
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