MODES OF RADIOACTIVE DECAYDOE-HDBK-1019/1-93Atomic and Nuclear PhysicsMODES OF RADIOACTIVE DECAYMost atoms found in nature are stable and do not emit particles or energy thatchange form over time. Some atoms, however, do not have stable nuclei. Theseatoms emit radiation in order to achieve a more stable configuration. EO 2.1DESCRIBE the following processes:a.Alpha decayd.Electron captureb.Beta-minus decaye.Internal conversionsc.Beta-plus decayf.Isomeric transitionsEO 2.2Given a Chart of the Nuclides, WRITE the radioactive decaychain for a nuclide.EO 2.3EXPLAIN why one or more gamma rays typically accompanyparticle emission.EO 2.4Given the stability curve on the Chart of the Nuclides,DETERMINE the type of radioactive decay that the nuclides ineach region of the chart will typically undergo.Stabilityof NucleiAs mass numbers become larger, the ratio of neutrons to protons in the nucleus becomes largerfor the stable nuclei. Non-stable nuclei may have an excess or deficiency of neutrons andundergo a transformation process known as beta (b) decay. Non-stable nuclei can also undergoa variety of other processes such as alpha (a) or neutron (n) decay. As a result of these decayprocesses, the final nucleus is in a more stable or more tightly bound configuration.NaturalRadioactivityIn 1896, the French physicist Becquerel discovered that crystals of a uranium salt emitted raysthat were similar to x-rays in that they were highly penetrating, could affect a photographicplate, and induced electrical conductivity in gases. Becquerel's discovery was followed in 1898by the identification of two other radioactive elements, polonium and radium, by Pierre andMarie Curie.NP-01Page 22Rev. 0
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